January 24, 2025

Dear Peachtree Road family,

I hope you are well. Let me begin this week’s note with a prayer request. Our beloved director of music ministries, Scott Atchison, is set for heart bypass surgery later today. Scott went in for a stress test on Monday, had a heart catheterization on Tuesday, and it was determined he needed surgery today to alleviate several blockages. I invite you to pray for him and his doctors today. Pray that Scott will know God’s peace as he faces this surgery and a long rehab, and pray for his doctors that God’s healing touch might flow through their hands. Thank you for your concern and prayerful support. 

On Sunday, we will continue with our series on mental health entitled “The Battle Within…” Over the course of the last two weeks, we have discussed the impact apathy and grief can have on our mental health. As we have observed, many respond to mental health challenges by withdrawing from others, and this series is designed to remind one another that the better response is engagement – acknowledge your feelings, share what you are feeling with others, and seek help. Mental wellness is one of our major initiatives here at Peachtree Road UMC, and we are committed to helping you live well. I am grateful for our associate minister of mental wellness, Rev. Emily Miles, the One Lamb Initiative team, and our Pastoral Counseling Service for their dedication and work to bring healing and wholeness to folks in our community. 

In this week’s sermon, we will spend some time thinking about the regrets that haunt us. In preparation for this message, I encourage you to read Paul’s words found in Philippians 3:12-17. In addition, we will be singing two great hymns (“How Firm a Foundation” and “How Great Thou Art”), and the Chancel Choir will offer Malcolm Boyle’s arrangement of the “Thou, O God, Art Praised in Sion” as its anthem. I look forward to seeing you in worship at either 8:45 am in the sanctuary, 10:00 am in the chapel, or 11:15 am in the sanctuary. If you are unable to be present, please worship through the church website at www.prumc.org.  

I don’t want you to miss the opportunity to spend An Evening with Kate Bowler this Sunday, January 26, at 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Kate Bowler is a New York Times best-selling author, theologian at Duke Divinity School, and host of the popular podcast “Everything Happens.” Kate is a rock star in the church world and is appreciated for her wisdom, humor, and the honest way she embraces life’s joys and struggles. I first came to know of Kate through her excellent research concerning the “prosperity gospel.” Then she experienced a diagnosis of stage IV colon cancer and had to rethink what trust and hope look like. Kate’s faith is deep and has sustained her throughout her journey of fighting cancer. She then wrote her bestselling memoir “Everything Happens for a Reason…and Other Lies I’ve Loved.” She comes to Peachtree Road UMC to share her faith in Christ and what it means to live through the best days, the worst days, and all the in-betweens of life. I about grateful to the One Lamb Mental Wellness Initiative for sponsoring this event and encourage you to join us. The cost is $30 per person, and you may get your tickets here.  Two Big Upcoming Opportunities in Worship:

Bishop Will Willimon preaching – Sunday, February 16, at all morning services. In 1996, Baylor University published a list of the “12 most effective preachers in the English-speaking world,” and Bishop Will Willimon was the lone Methodist to make the list. I have known Bishop Willimon for many years, count him as one of my mentors, and look forward to welcoming him to our pulpit. Please mark the date on your calendar and join us for worship.  

Men’s Retreat with Dr. Brent Strawn – men of the church are invited to a retreat set for Friday, February 28, until Sunday, March 2, at Camp Glisson in Dahlonega, Georgia. The retreat leader will be one of my favorite Old Testament professors Dr. Brent Strawn of Duke Divinity School. Brent has a passion for scripture that is contagious. I am pleased that he also will join us for worship on Sunday, March 2, and preach at our morning worship services here at Peachtree Road UMC. All men are invited to join us for the retreat and may register here

Finally, are you new to Peachtree Road UMC and looking for ways to connect? Please join us this Sunday, January 26, at 12:30 pm in the Hospitality Suite. At this month’s “Tea with the Clergy” luncheon, you will have the opportunity to meet with several members of our clergy staff, hear about the ministry of this great church, ask questions, and even have an opportunity to join at the end of the session. Please contact our director of evangelism and hospitality, Brittany Charron (brittanyc@prumc.org), for more information or to sign up.  
I look forward to seeing you Sunday morning and Sunday evening! 

Grace and peace,  
