Worship Guilds

Honoring the traditions of our faith

Worship at Peachtree Road is made special through the dedicated efforts of our talented guilds.  Each guild plays an important part in creating a meaningful experience for the members and friends of our great church.  From the front doors to the sacristy, Worship Guilds are the “firm foundation” of our hospitality!  Guilds provide an opportunity to deepen involvement in the ministry and mission of our church while creating lasting friendships.

Worship Guild - Acolytes
Worship Guild - Baptismal Cloths

The Mary Stewart Altar Guild

The Mary Stewart Altar Guild members are the caretakers of the beautiful worship spaces in our sanctuary and chapel. Responsibilities of the Altar Guild include: lighting candles for services, changing paraments on the altars to correspond with liturgical seasons and special events, preparing for Communion and Baptism, managing flower memorials, and creating arrangements from the altar flowers for ministry to those in need.

To volunteer or for more information, please contact Altar Guild Chair Anne Steward at annesteward260@gmail.com or Altar Guild Co-Chair Kim Thiessen at kthiess@bellsouth.net.

Acolytes are some of the most important leaders in our worship services.  In addition to carrying the cross and sacred text, they bring the Light of Christ into worship by carrying torches, and setting the tone for all that happens in this sacred hour. Youth and adult acolyte teams serve alongside clergy and choirs in worship. This ministry is open to 6th grade and older.

To volunteer or for more information, contact William York at wmyork61@gmail.com

This committee coordinates flower contributions as well as acknowledgments. Though this is one of our more administrative responsibilities, it is a meaningful one.

To commemorate this sacrament, parents are gifted a hand-stitched linen cloth used during their child’s baptism. Members of this committee hem and monogram linens with an elegant cross and then return them to the church to be pressed and folded.

The paraments that accent the pulpit, lectern and altar table correspond to the liturgical seasons of the Christian year. This committee assures we are in keeping with the season and maintains the candles in the Sanctuary and Moore Chapel.

This committee keeps the information flowing among the overall guild and is vital to our team working as one! We notify members of meetings, and other important announcements.

This committee “sets the table” and cares for everything that is needed for the Eucharist. They prepare for communion and care for the sacramental linens.

Select liturgical seasons are marked by special decor in the church – the cross swathed in purple for Lent or red draping for Pentecost. This committee oversees preparations for these special seasons.

Week in and week out, worship runs seamlessly thanks to this committee. From placing the paraments on the altar to preparing the baptismal font, members lovingly begin and end each worship service behind the scenes.

Each Monday, this committee creates smaller arrangements from Sunday’s altar flowers. The arrangements are then delivered to area hospitals by our ministry team.

For more information, contact Susan Franco at sfrancoint@icloud.com.

Worship Guild - Altar Guild
Worship Guild - Communion

Flower Guild

The Flower Guild glorifies God  by creating arrangements that welcome the congregation and minister to God’s people during times of worship and celebration. Christian friendships are enhanced by bringing the beauty of the earth to the church’s sanctuary and gathering spaces.

To volunteer or for more information, contact Bryn Daniel at bryn0148@gmail.com or Linda Schutte at schuttelinda035@gmail.com.

A beautiful flower arrangement in the Narthex with welcome volunteers at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church in Atlanta.

Funeral and Memorial Guild

Though we celebrate the life of someone lost, memorials and funerals are emotional times. Exceptional support from our Memorial Guild gives comfort and assurance to family members. We assist clergy and staff by arranging a private, comfortable place for the family, directing guests who may be unfamiliar with our campus, and preparing the worship space for the service.

To volunteer or for more information, contact Chairperson Tricia Walker at twalker4890@comcast.net or Co-Chair Lindley Small at wsmallfamily@comcast.net.

Sanctuary Guild

The Sanctuary Guild ensures our sanctuary and chapel are ready for Sunday worship and other services by keeping the pews in order. This is a one hour per month commitment where you can experience the beauty and solitude of our sanctuary and chapel.

To volunteer or for more information, contact Peter Morelli at morellipj2@hotmail.com, or Gail Smith at gsmith9726@bellsouth.net.

Usher Guild

The ushers are an integral part of PRUMC’s hospitality ministry. Ushers warmly greet people attending our worship services, distribute worship bulletins, assist with seating needs and direction for communion, collect any offerings, and help church members and guests feel welcome on our campus.

To volunteer or for more information, contact Troy Covington at troyrcovington@hotmail.com.

Worship Guild - Ushers