
So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. Romans 12:5

Peachtree Road is an active congregation of the United Methodist Church. We are part of a worldwide connection of churches committed to shepherding the spiritual growth of its members in a nurturing environment. Each member is on a personal faith journey, but as a community of faith, we share values, resources, experiences, and accountability. In this way, each member may live out God’s unique calling within a supportive church family. Whether a member, or not-yet-a-member, we are all worshiping congregants and part of the body of Christ.

We invite you to come experience the warm, faith community that we call home! We have opportunities to be together in prayer, service, and fellowship every day.  Together, we support one another in our endeavors and, in doing so, strengthen each other and the body of Christ in this world.

There are various ways to connect with a small group to help you integrate into the life of the church.  Visit us in person and enjoy the people and ministries that make us who we are!

Traditional Methodist Worship Services in Atlanta and Online

Sunday Services

8:45, 10:00 & 11:15 am
Sanctuary & Moore Chapel
In-person and online

Wednesday Services

12:00 pm
Moore Chapel
In-person and online

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” - Matthew 28:20

Seasoned Saints: Sherman’s March

Dr. Bennett Parten, assistant professor at Georgia Southern University, will lecture on his new book, Somewhere Toward Freedom: Sherman’s March and…

Sunday Worship: Two Ways to Live Your Life

In Jeremiah 17:5-10, the prophet presents two contrasting ways to live: relying on human strength and self-reliance, which leads to instability…

Bishop Will Willimon

One of the most influential voices in Methodism today, Bishop Willimon has inspired generations with his thought-provoking sermons and writings. A…

Seasoned Saints: Brain Health

Top 10 Warning Signs of Cognitive Decline and Prevention - Learn to recognize when it might be time to get a…

Sunday Worship: The Platinum Rule

In this week’s sermon, based on Luke 6:27-38, we explore Jesus’ call to go beyond the Golden Rule of treating others…

Sponsor a Child

Grace Hall
PRUMC’s Sponsor a Child program brings critical support to vulnerable children in the country of Georgia, providing compassion that knows no…

February Fellowship Luncheon

Grace Hall
Warm up this winter over good food and good company with your church family. We'll enjoy: White Chicken Enchiladas Tex-Mex Chopped…

UMKF – Valentine’s Game Night

The Loft
UMKF – Valentine’s Game Night Sunday, February 23, 5:00 - 6:30 pm, The Loft Third Floor Rollins Building Join us for…

Take a Tour of Peachtree Road

Heritage Hall
Whether you are new or still trying to find your way around, please join us for a tour of the campus…

3rd – 5th Grade Lenten Bible Study

The Lent Bible Study series for 3rd to 5th graders is designed to engage young minds in exploring the significance of…