Adult Choirs

Ages 18 and up

The Chancel Choir
Rehearsal Wednesdays
7:00 – 9:00 pm, Music Suite

The Chancel Choir is made up of adults age 18 and above, and serves as the principal musical leadership for the 8:45 am and 11:15 am worship experience. The choir also presents several concerts each season for members of the PRUMC community and the city of Atlanta. Among these are Handel’s Messiah, Dan Forrest’s Requiem for the Living, as well as new and commissioned works.

Every other year, this nationally recognized choral ensemble embarks on a European tour performing at the great cathedrals including Notre Dame, Chartres, St. Paul’s and most recently as the choir-in-residence at Westminster Abbey in 2018.

The Chancel Choir is always looking for new members. No audition is necessary, but an interview with the Director of Music is requested. Child care is available during rehearsal times. Contact Scott Atchison at

The Chamber Singers
Rehearsal Wednesdays
6:30 pm, Music Suite

The Chamber Singers is an auditioned ensemble drawing its membership from the PRUMC Chancel Choir. This ensemble of fifteen voices concentrates on the music of the early church, but draws its repertoire from all periods of musical composition. For an audition, please contact our Director of Music, Scott Atchison at

The Peachtree Carillon
Rehearsal Wednesdays
5:45 – 6:45 pm, Music Suite

The Peachtree Carillon is Peachtree Road’s adult handbell choir. The Peachtree Carillon plays in services throughout the year, including Palm Sunday, Easter, and Christmas and at special events, including Carols by Candlelight and Stations of the Cross. Due to busy schedules we work in ‘seasons’, those available for the performance date and rehearsals play, and those who can’t are our substitute players. For more information, please contact our Associate Organist and Choirmaster, Oliver Brett at

Children’s Choir Musical – Oh, Jonah!

Harp Student Center
An Aquatic Lesson Gets a Whole New Treatment! A stubborn man, a firm God, a scene-stealing whale, and a Greek Chorus…

Doxology Youth Choir Tour

Singing, Serving, and Celebrating our National Parks:  Grand Teton NP and Yellowstone NP.