January 6, 2023
Dear Peachtree Road Family,
Happy New Year! I hope this note finds you well. As we make a new beginning here at Peachtree Road UMC, I want you to know that our ministry theme for the year will be “Be still and know that I am God.” These words of the Psalmist (Psalm 46:10) encourage us to slow down in our lives, breathe, and sense the presence of God in our midst. I am hopeful that you will find that thread running through the fabric of everything we do this year whether that be worship, prayer, study, or outreach to others.
We have adopted four important initiatives for the coming year:
- Create an environment that enables folks to grow spiritually
- Develop excellence in our hospitality ministries
- Promote the enhancement of mental wellness
- Develop a year-round emphasis on the stewardship of our lives
This is a year to grow deeper in our faith and to develop a deep spiritual reservoir that will enable you to thrive, even in the midst of a crisis. I hope you will find your place in the ministry of Peachtree Road UMC this year.
This Sunday we will make a new beginning in our worship services by having the opportunity to come forward, touch the baptismal waters of our faith, and renew our covenant with Christ. The water in the font this week comes from the clear, clean spring water that forms the Jordan River in Israel. I brought this water back from my last trip to the Holy Land just for this occasion. I hope you will plan to be with us at either 8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am and join me at the font as we renew our faith. If you are unable to attend, I encourage you to worship online through the church website.
In addition to worship, we are offering several opportunities for fellowship and enrichment this week:
- Prayer Open House – do you desire to deepen your prayer life this year? We will have resources and information available in the narthex from 9:45 am until 12:45 pm to help make prayer a great habit in 2023. Please contact Rev. Josh Miles at joshm@prumc.org for more information.
- Fellowship Luncheon – immediately following worship this Sunday we are offering a complimentary meal of chili and grilled cheese sandwiches in Grace Hall. Come and enjoy the delicious food and warm fellowship with your fellow members as we serve from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm.
- Disaster Relief Lunch and Learn – have you ever been interested in being a part of a disaster relief team? Grab your complimentary meal in Grace Hall and join Mark Brown, United Methodist Council on Relief Emergency Relief Coordinator at Northside UMC, to learn more or even help form a team from Peachtree Road UMC. If you are interested but can’t make it Sunday, you may contact Dawn Hawkins at dawnh@prumc.org for more information.
- Seeking Shalom Course – you know about our initiative on racial reconciliation here at Peachtree Road UMC. Dr. Ryan Bonfiglio of Candler School of Theology will lead a course on Wednesday evenings that is designed to help participants explore the biblical concept of “shalom” and its relationship with matters of justice, poverty, social divides, and reconciliation. This course is free to those who register, and you can participate either in person or online. If you have questions, please contact Rev. Josh Miles at joshm@prumc.org.
- An Evening with Jane Pauley – as a part of our church’s ongoing initiative to promote mental wellness, our One Lamb Initiative is sponsoring an evening with Jane Pauley. You know her as one of the most respected journalists in our country and the host of CBS Sunday morning. Did you know that she was diagnosed at age 50 with a mental illness? She has written a book about her journey and will be present with us on Monday, January 23 to talk about it. To obtain a ticket, please visit here. Your $20 gift will benefit the church’s One Lamb Mental Wellness Initiative.
Finally, if you are interested in becoming a member of Peachtree Road UMC, please join us for “Tea with the Clergy” on Sunday, January 22, at 12:30 pm. This will be an opportunity for you to meet our ministerial staff, hear about the history and ministry of the church, ask questions, and discover where you fit into the ministry of this great church. If you would like to learn more about the steps in becoming a member, please contact Rev. Elizabeth Byrd at elizabethb@prumc.org.
Thank you for your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. I pray that you will experience the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit as we journey through this new year together.
Grace and peace,