April 26, 2024

Dear Peachtree Road Family,

I hope you are well. Last week was a great day in the life of Peachtree Road UMC as we welcomed the 55 members of the 2024 Confirmation Class into the full membership of the church. These youth have spent the last nine months in study and spiritual formation as a foundation of faith has been laid in their lives. I am grateful to Rachel Hockman and the youth team for the wonderful job they did in welcoming, nurturing, and mentoring these 6th-graders in their faith journey. One parent sent me an email earlier this week which included these words:

“…(My son) made a great analogy to me recently, saying that the children’s program is where he learned Bible stories, but the youth program is where he’s learning why those stories matter to his life. He’s starting to take on this faith walk based not on what his parents are telling him but on what he actually thinks and believes. It has been such a wonderful thing to see…I’m not sure what I expected out of this 6th-grade Confirmation year, but I never could have expected this. I am grateful for what is happening in that building and for the people who are making it happen. I am seeing firsthand how the church is making a HUGE difference in my child’s life. Praise God for that!”

An email like that will keep you going for several weeks! I am grateful for folks who understand that the mission of the church is to “make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” and live that out by pouring themselves into the lives of others. Let your light shine!

Speaking of letting your light shine, last week we began teacher recruitment for children’s Sunday School. I hope you will prayerfully consider joining our awesome volunteer team and experience the joy of sharing our faith and its stories with our children. Watch the video linked here to learn how rewarding teaching is for our volunteer team. To view a list of opportunities or to volunteer, please click here. You also may contact Martha Christopher at marthac@prumc.org.

I really am looking forward to Sunday. This will be Graduate Recognition Day here at Peachtree Road UMC. We have planned to set aside time at the close of the 11:15 am worship service to recognize and honor our high school graduating seniors. I hope you will be present to hear them as they share their plans for the coming year and join us in a prayer of blessing upon them.

Our services this week will focus on Philip’s encounter with an Ethiopian eunuch, as recorded in Acts 8. The message is entitled “Nothing Can Prevent God’s Grace,” and we will consider what it means to welcome the “stranger” into the family of God. We will be singing two great hymns of the church (“Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty” and “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”), and the Chancel Choir’s anthem will be “I Sought the Lord.” I hope you will make plans to join us in person for one of our services (8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am) or through the livestream at www.prumc.org.

Next Sunday, May 5, will be Music Sunday here at Peachtree Road UMC. Musicians will fill our sanctuary as we highlight their talents and contributions to our worship. The Atlanta Brassworks, Peachtree Carillon, combined children’s choirs, Doxology Youth Choir, and Chancel Choir will share music with us. Please mark your calendar and plan to be with us next week.

Opportunities for Growth:

  • Flower Guild Workshop – each Sunday we are blessed to have spectacular arrangements of flowers on the high altar and in the narthex to enhance our worship experience. These have been arranged by our volunteers on the Flower Guild. On Saturday morning at 10:00 am in the sanctuary, talented members Peggy Witt and Martha Tate will offer tips, on conditioning and arranging flowers. To attend, please contact Bryn Daniel at bryn0148@gmail.com.
  • Youth and Families Mental Wellness Forum – Dr. Nina Bass, professor of Behavioral Science at Emory University School of Medicine, will be speaking this Sunday in the Harp Student Center at 10:00 am. This event is open to folks of all ages.
  • Midday Music in May – on Wednesdays, beginning May 1, come to the sanctuary at 1:00 pm and enjoy a complimentary 30-minute organ recital featuring the best organists in Atlanta. Our own Scott Atchison and Oliver Brett will kick off this annual series. Learn more at www.prumc.org.
  • Family Mission Trip to Guatemala – you are invited to join our mission team traveling to Guatemala to help locals build their own homes December 27, 2024-January 2, 2025. There also will be opportunities to spend time with the children of Mimi’s House orphanage. This trip will fill up quickly, so sign up by this Sunday, April 28. To learn more and sign up, visit www.prumc.org/guatemala.

Finally, let me remind you that the General Conference of the United Methodist Church is currently meeting in Charlotte, NC, and will adjourn on May 3. This is the first time the official policy-making body of the denomination has had an opportunity to meet since 2019. I encourage you to pray for the delegates as they meet to discern God’s will for our denomination. After the conclusion of the General Conference, we will provide you with an update concerning the decisions that were made and how our church might be impacted in the future.

Thank you for your support in so many ways. I look forward to worshiping with you this weekend!

Grace and peace,
