Dear Peachtree Road Family,
I hope you are well. Let me begin with a couple of words of gratitude:
- First, for the Men’s Ministry of Peachtree Road UMC who prepared the delicious barbeque for our luncheon last Sunday. When the 11:15 am service ended, I waited at the sanctuary doors nearest the street to greet folks leaving, but everyone exiting the sanctuary turned right and seemed to make a beeline for Grace Hall. I found myself standing alone in the narthex…and I don’t blame them a bit! The food was delicious, and the fellowship around the tables was most enjoyable. It was a very good event!
- Second, thank you to Jay Christopher and his team of Ambassadors as well as our audio-visual and property management teams for their support of last Monday evening’s town hall meeting with Mayor Andre Dickens. We had over 600 persons crowded into Grace Hall (yes, the fire marshal was there and folks were turned away) for a community conversation with the Mayor. I was very proud of our church and pray that the good ideas shared that night will lead to a brighter future for our community.
Thank you to all who attended these events and your support of this great church!
On Sunday we will bring our sermon series entitled “Greater Than” to a close. We have been thinking this month about how Christ has enabled us to experience a life greater than we could have imagined. This week’s message is “Possibility Is Greater Than Status Quo.” Sometimes fear of the future causes us to cling so tightly to the present that we find ourselves paralyzed. On Sunday we’ll think about how Christ can move us forward into a new day, and I hope to see you at one of our services – 8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am. If you are unable to join us in person, please worship online here.
I am grateful to all who have turned in a commitment card in support of the 2023 operating budget. Your generous giving is critical to the success of our church’s ministries, and I appreciate all who have turned in a commitment card. If you have not yet turned in a card, we would love to hear from you this week. If you are in a Sunday School class, your commitment will be counted to the tabulation of the Parson’s Cup. This award goes to the Sunday School Class with the highest percentage of commitments to next year’s church budget. The competition will run through the end of the year and will be awarded in early January. For your convenience, you may pledge through the church app or online here.
Opportunities for Outreach
- Cascade Thanksgiving Giveaway – we are teaming up with Cascade UMC on their annual Thanksgiving project to provide food for over 1400 low-income families. Cascade has been feeding those in need for over 20 years, and through our partnership with this great church we have an opportunity work side-by-side together. If you are interested in being a part of this wonderful holiday project, please contact Beth Spencer (
- Christmas Kindness – registration is open for Harp’s Christmas Kindness. Volunteer for this beloved tradition providing Christmas gifts to the community in a dignified and festive manner. Our clients are surrounded by the care of loving volunteers, who help them select and wrap their gifts. This Christmas outreach event will take place December 2-7. You may sign up online here.
Have you voted yet? I voted earlier this week in the Mid-term Election. I hit the polling center at a perfect time, walked right in, voted, and was out in less than five minutes. I remind you of John Wesley’s reflection on his counsel to the early Methodists: “Vote for the person they judged most worthy; to speak no evil of the person they voted against; and to take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side.” Nearly 250 years later, those are still pretty good words to live by! Peachtree Road UMC will be a polling site, and I strongly encourage you to vote in your precinct on or before Tuesday, November 8!
The Centennial Committee is preparing for the church’s 100th anniversary in 2025, and has commemorative ornaments for sale. To see these lovely ornaments or order one, please click here.
Finally, are you interested in becoming a member of Peachtree Road UMC? — please join us this Sunday, November 6, at 12:30 pm in the Hospitality Suite for “Tea with the Clergy.” At this luncheon meeting, you will have the opportunity to meet with several members of our clergy staff, hear about the ministry of this great church, ask questions, and even have an opportunity to join at the end of the session. Please contact Elizabeth Byrd ( for more information or to sign up.
Thank you for your commitment to the ministry of Peachtree Road UMC. It is both an honor and a privilege to be your pastor.
Grace and peace,