February 26, 2024
Today’s scripture and reflection
Almighty and Merciful God,
We praise You this day for the gift of life and the glories of creation. We give thanks for the goodness of the works of Your hands. Coming before You in awe and wonder, O Lord, we acknowledge that although the things of this world may change, You remain the same. Your love and life-giving Spirit are unending.
O God, You call us to trust You in all the seasons of our lives. So often, we allow perceived circumstances to drive our decisions and our attitudes. We believe in what we see and think we know. We want to be faithful, but it can be so difficult to accept what we can’t conceive. Like Sarah, to whom You promised the gift of a child, we discount Your power. And yet, Sarah would come to hold the child Isaac in her arms. You are indeed the God who can do what we would deem impossible.
Forgive us when we think we know best. Quell our pride and teach us humility. You seek us in relationship. Open our hearts and minds, O Lord. During our Lenten journey, let us empty all that distracts us from Your truth. By the Holy Spirit, allow us to experience Your presence. Guide our steps; we pray. Comfort all those who are grieving, searching, and hoping. Let us tend to those who journey with us, confident that Your Son walks with us every step of the way.
For it is in His holy name we pray, Amen.
Rev. Darren Hensley