March 15, 2024

Today’s scripture and reflection

Gracious and Loving God,

With the dawning of a new day, we come before You now in praise and thanksgiving. We’re grateful for the people You place in our lives who love us and care for us — please help us to be a blessing unto them and, indeed, everyone we meet. Let us attest to our faith through the example of our living. You have called us by name — may our response shine forth with gratitude and joy as Your faithful people.

O God, during this season of Lent, grant us the courage to look into our hearts with honesty and clarity. We confess that we aren’t always proud of what we see. In Your mercy, forgive us when we’ve turned away from You. With David, we pray the penitent words of the psalm, restore us, and “wash away all our iniquities.” Pardon us when we have hurt others. Let us make amends where possible. Enable us to be forgiving of others as well, and even ourselves. “Create in us a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within us.”

O Lord, we’re thankful that even as You graciously provided the law for us to live by in relationship with You and with each other, You offered us a way to atone for our sins. From Exodus forward, You have given us the means by which to reckon with the injuries we cause so that not only may we continue to live but flourish as forgiven people. We praise You for the Great High Priest we have in Jesus who knows and understands our weaknesses. As we journey on to Jerusalem and Holy Week, let us take comfort that we may approach Your “throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Rev. Darren Hensley