March 21, 2024
Today’s scripture and reflection
Heavenly Father, from the depths of our hearts, we praise You. You are a great and good God who is worthy of our praise.
Loving Lord, Your love for us is abundant and constant. You place no requirements on us to receive Your love. When we walk the straight and narrow path, You love us, but Your love is not diminished when we stray and go our own way. Your love is eternal. We don’t have to “deserve” Your love; it is given freely with no strings attached.
Help us to learn from You and to pattern our lives after You. Forgive us when we think and act like we are better than anyone. Create within us the desire to serve and love others unconditionally, just like You do. Teach us to live unselfishly, putting the needs of others above ourselves, following Your example.
In our sinful selves, we are prone to pursue paths that will enrich us rather than strive to live in such a manner that others will also benefit. Teach us to value all others and to recognize that they are also made in Your image, just as we are. Holy Scripture tells us that You loved the world and all its inhabitants so much that You sent Your only Son, Jesus, to live among us and model the unselfish life. Help us to follow His example and live our lives for others. Lead us to adopt the attitude of Christ and understand that instead of watching out for our own good, we should watch out for what is better for others.
Lord, help me live from day to day
In such a self-for¬get¬ful way
That even when I kneel to pray
My pray¬er shall be for—Oth¬ers.
Help me in all the work I do
To ever be sin¬cere and true
And know that all I’d do for You
Must needs be done for—Oth¬ers.
And when my work on earth is done,
And my new work in Heav’n’s be¬gun,
May I for¬get the crown I’ve won,
While think¬ing still of—Oth¬ers.*
In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!
Others by Charles D. Meigs
Rev. Jamie Jenkins