March 28, 2024
Today’s scripture and reflection
Lord God,
We pause today as we remember what you have done for us. You have heard our every cry. You have listened to our groans that come short of words. You have inclined your ears to the petitions of our hearts. In this moment, we give you thanks.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you for loving us even when we have not loved you. Your love washes feet.
Thank you for loving us even when we have not loved ourselves. Your love reminds us that we are precious in your sight.
Thank you for finding us whenever we are lost. You are our Good Shepherd.
Thank you for the life and ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Because Jesus took on human flesh, we know that you value our bodies. So we put our hands in the hand of the One from Galilee. We lay down all pride today, and we trust in the humility of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Help us to follow Jesus. Help us to love like Jesus. Help us to be more like Jesus, this day and forevermore.
Rev. Josh Miles