March 3, 2024

Today’s scripture and reflection

Loving and gracious God, we praise You and thank You for the gift of this new day.

Help us to understand Your instructions and follow Your guidance. Give us the wisdom to understand the rewards when we follow Your way and the negative consequences when we follow our own desires. With the Apostle Paul help us to know that “the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.”

O Lord, guide us and guard us today as we go about our routines. You know all that we will face and the decisions we will have to make. The hymn writer expresses the desires of our hearts:

Lead me Lord. Lead me by the hand and make me face the rising sun. Comfort me through all the pain that life may bring. There’s no other hope that I can lean upon. Lead me Lord. Lead me all my life.

Walk by me. Walk by me across the lonely road of everyday. Take my arms and let your hand show me the way. Show the way to live inside your love. Lead me Lord, All my life.

You are my life. You’re the lamp upon my feet. All the time, my Lord, I need you there. You are my life. I cannot live alone. Let me stay by your guiding love. All through my life, lead me Lord.

Lead me Lord. Even though at times I’d rather go along my way. Help me take the right direction. Take your road. Lead me Lord and never leave my side. All my days, all my life.*

In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

*”Lead Me Lord” by Basil Valdez

Rev. Jamie Jenkins