March 31, 2024
Today’s scripture and reflection
Most Gracious and Loving God,
On this Easter Sunday, we bask in Your glory in the revelation that You are the risen Lord, our God!
We praise You for coming into the world as the Word-made flesh and walking among us. Thank you for showing us the way toward living in a manner that is holy and pleasing to You. Enable us to recognize Your presence and accept Your divine gift of salvation in Your name. Bless us with joy as we recognize your voice. We pray that those who hear and receive You and believe in Your name are given the name, child of God. Help us to see in our new birth as Your children that death has not ended Your ministry and mission of mercy and grace but that Your triumph of resurrection and ascension is just the beginning of the newness of life in Your name. Lord, allow us as Your children to abide in Your love forever. Bless us as a parent who loves a child. Give us an accepting, discerning, and generous heart to go into the world and proclaim the good news in Your name by sharing your love with all the world.
Lord, thank you for blessing our souls on this glorious day.
In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray, amen.
Rev. Geoff Beakley