July 28, 2023
Dear Peachtree Road Family,
I hope you are well. Sunday promises to be a good day in worship here at Peachtree Road UMC as we conclude our “Summer in the City” services. Our theme for the month of July is “At the Movies,” and each week we are considering the biblical themes found in some of our favorite family films. We already have reflected upon The Princess Bride, ET: The Extraterrestrial, and The Little Mermaid. If you missed any of those messages, you may watch them here.
This week’s message final message invites us to consider the biblical lessons found in the movie “Tangled.” This is a version of a fairy tale based on a 17th-century story about a woman named Rapunzel who was locked away in a tower. The theme of good versus evil is central to the story, and our associate minister Josh Miles will help us hear the voice of God speaking in the story. Our scripture lesson a contrast to the biblical story of Samson and Delilah. You may read that here in preparation for the message: Judges 16:16-20.
Once again, the music promises to be familiar and uplifting, and I encourage you to come ready to sing.
- How Firm a Foundation
- I Will Call Upon the Lord
- He Lives
Immediately following the services, you are invited to a time of fellowship in front of the church. Lemonade and cookies will be served under the trees. Please join us Sunday either in person at 8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am or online at www.prumc.org.
Upcoming Opportunities:
- Young Adult Mission to Costa Rica – sign up by Sunday, July 30. Peachtree Road UMC Young Adults will partner with Rice & Beans Ministry in the San Jose area of Costa Rica for this great trip led by our associate minister Josh Miles. You will be part of a vital feeding program that serves a rural population and work on a small farm that produces fresh food for nearby schools and neighbors. You also will have the opportunity to bring Vacation Bible School and a Field Day to local children. Plan to start your year with a truly warm and meaningful service opportunity. Mission dates are January 24-28, 2024. Sign up by July 30 and make a meaningful start to 2024! Please contact Dawn Hawkins at dawnh@prumc.org.
- Red Cross Blood Drive – Wednesday, August 2, 10:00 am until 3:00 pm. The American Red Cross supplies about 40% of the nation’s blood. Donating now ensures a ready supply so the Red Cross can help victims of unexpected events such as tornadoes, wildfires, and hurricanes. You may make an appointment here.
- Early Response Team Training Class – Saturday, August 19, 8:30 am until 3:30 pm. Learn the basic skills needed for early responders and earn an ERT badge, allowing team access to areas affected by storms. The cost is $15 and includes the class, workbook, lunch, and snacks. You may register here.
- Hospitality Ministry Training – are you interested in becoming an usher, or parking lot greeter? Please join others in this important ministry for a training day on Sunday, August 20. We begin after church with a barbeque luncheon and then meet in the sanctuary at 1:15 pm for a one-hour training session. Please contact Brittany Charron at brittanyc@prumc.org for more information.
Have you heard about the Peachtree Road Music Academy? Earlier this year, the Administrative Board approved the concept of an academy dedicated to helping members of our community develop their musical gifts. Have you always wanted to learn to play the piano, organ, violin, guitar, or even sing? This academy is designed to provide you with a tutor who can help you achieve your goal. In fact, we already have several summer students. And you don’t need to wait until our launch this fall to take your first step toward realizing your musical dreams. Visit our new website to learn about our offerings (all instruments for all ages!) and join us. We have wonderful relationships with some of the finest musicians and teachers in Atlanta and we invite you to take part in the musical community that we are building.
Finally, are you interested in learning more about Peachtree Road UMC and possibly becoming a member? If so, I would like to invite you to “Tea with the Clergy” on Sunday, August 27 at 12:30 pm in the Hospitality Suite. We would love to meet you, share a little about the ministry of Peachtree Road UMC, and possibly help you become a member of this great church. Please contact Brittany Charron at brittanyc@prumc.org for more information or to sign up.
I hope that you will continue to enjoy these days of summer with loved ones. Please pray for the ministry of your church as we pray for you.
Grace and peace,