March 15, 2024
Dear Peachtree Road Family,
I hope you are well. Let me begin this week’s note by announcing the addition of two new staff members here at Peachtree Road UMC:
- Rev. Karen Webster Parks – Executive Pastor. Karen has recently retired after tenures as an executive pastor at Cascade UMC and most recently St. James UMC in Alpharetta. After a long career in executive management and politics, Karen followed God’s call into ministry, graduated of Candler School of Theology, and will serve our church in a part-time capacity assisting our leadership team. She will start on April 1.
- Rev. Emily Miles – Director of Mental Wellness. Emily first came onto our radar as a summer intern at Peachtree Road UMC while a student at Candler School of Theology. We were impressed with her emphasis on wellness (body, mind, and soul). Yes, she is the wife of our associate minister Josh Miles. Emily is finishing up her commitment to the staff of Candler School of Theology and will be joining us on April 15.
These are two gifted ministers, and I look forward to your meeting them as they come to offer leadership to our church in two important areas.
I really am looking forward to worshiping with you Sunday. Our Lenten theme this year is “Rekindling the Fires of Our Faith,” and this week we will think for a few minutes about the ministry of all believers. Think of it this way – ministry is not a spectator sport. In order to grow, you have to participate. We will focus upon that biblical concept this week. To prepare for the message, I encourage you to read Ephesians 4 and mediate upon Paul’s words to the early church.
We will sing one of my favorite hymns at the procession (“Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”) and hear beautiful musical presentations from the Doxology Chorale and the Chancel Choir. I look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday at one of our services: 8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am. If you are unable to make it in person, please join us online for the livestream of one of the services here.
On Sunday evening March 17, the music and arts ministry of Peachtree Road UMC will present “Passion of the Christ: The Musical Stations of the Cross” at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Over the past decade, our church has created a beautiful Lenten tradition through inspired organ improvisations, reflective settings sung by Peachtree Road’s Schola, and readings of connective scripture. The sanctuary is illuminated by the glow of candles representing Christ’s light, inspiring moments of reflection and contemplation for the worshiper. You are invited this Sunday evening.
During this holy season of Lent, we as a congregation are engaging in seeking to make a difference in our community in a couple of important ways:
- Season of Service – a great way to serve others and make an impact in our community. I hope you will join us in this year’s emphasis. You may find a list of projects and sign up here. Pick one and join your fellow members of Peachtree Road UMC in being the hands and feet of Christ.
- Lenten Offering – once again this year our special giving during the season of Lent will be used to support the agencies and ministries in the Greater Atlanta area with whom we partner. This year’s theme is “We Help the Helpers.” As a part of your Lenten discipline, I hope you will consider giving a gift to this offering. If each of us gave just $20 a week or $120 for the season, it would make a tremendous impact upon the lives of others. Please give through the church web site here.
Finally, we need your help. Our search team charged with recruiting our next Director of Children’s Ministries invites parents with young children to a listening session on Sunday, March 24, from 9:45 am until 10:45 am in the Hospitality Suite. They are interested in getting feedback from folks concerning the current strengths of our program as well as anticipated challenges in the future. Come share your insights so that our ministry with children can thrive well into the future. Please note the job posting here.
Thank you for your prayerful support of the ministry of this great church. I hope to see you Sunday in worship.
Grace and peace,