Dear Peachtree Road Family,
I hope you are well. Let me begin this week’s note by thanking you for making last Sunday such a great day at Peachtree Road UMC. You showed up in great numbers as we celebrated “Heaven Sunday.” The music from the Chancel Choir, Timothy Miller, and our own Will Green helped our spirits soar, and the fellowship luncheon that followed in Grace Hall was like a family reunion. I am grateful to all who worked behind the scenes to make the day possible and to you for your presence. It was so good to see you in worship.
This Sunday promises to be another great day as we welcome Admiral Barry Black, Chaplain of the United States Senate, to preach at Peachtree Road UMC. When I talked with Admiral Black earlier this week, I asked him if he had a text and sermon title for us to print in the bulletin, and he responded that he would keep right on with our theme for this month: “Words of Wesley to Live By.” So, this Sunday we will bring our series of messages to a close by preaching on Wesley’s words: “Think and let think.” When I think of Admiral Black’s “congregation” of 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans in the US Senate, I realize that he must really know something about our subject for this week. I hope you will join us in person at 8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am or online at
Sunday also is a big day for our ministries of Christian education:
- Promotion Sunday for Children’s Sunday School – please join us for new classes, new teachers, new friends, and a lot of fun in the Children’s Building and The Loft.
- Confirmation Parent Meeting – parents of 6th graders are invited to meet the confirmation staff volunteers in the Harp Student Center at 9:00 am. They will have an opportunity to review the format of the class and ask questions of the leaders.
- Youth Parent Open House – All youth (6th grade through 12th grade) are invited to the Harp Center at 10:00 am Sunday morning for an open house and to hear special guest speaker Bill Curry. The mission, vision, and calendar for the program for the school year will be shared along with highlights from the summer trips.
- Adult Bible Study Registration – fall studies are set to begin soon. We are offering spiritual enrichment opportunities nearly every day of the week with classes ranging from Disciple Bible Study to Methodist beliefs, a study of Jonah, yoga for wellness, prayer, women of the Bible, and so much more. Please check our online registration for offerings and times.
Fall Kick-off Sunday is set for September 11. Not only are you encouraged to attend worship, but we also hope you will invite a friend, neighbor, or relative to join you as we begin an emphasis on welcoming others to Christ’s table. All are welcome at Peachtree Road as we consider ways we are inviting others to “Come to the Table” with us. Fall Kick-off Sunday would not be complete without a luncheon in Grace Hall, and you are invited to join us for a day of worship, fellowship, and good food.
Finally, let me remind you that the Journeys of Paul Cruise Registration Is Open! Jamie Jenkins and I will be leading a trip tracing Paul’s 2nd and 3rd missionary journeys next fall, and registration is now open! We have been allocated 65 cabins aboard the Azamara Onward for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the land of Paul with other United Methodists. The online brochure is here. For more information, please contact Jamie Jenkins at
Thank you for your faithfulness in so many ways. I hope to see you Sunday. Please call on me if I may be of help to you in any way.
Grace and peace,