Unwinding Anxiety

The title of this book caught my attention, realizing that we are living through one of the most anxious periods of our time. Dr. Brewer’s title, UNWINDING ANIXIETY, is a visual image of unwinding habits which trigger anxiety attacks. The book is divided into the following four parts, beginning with Part 0.

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The Boy Between

This book published in 2020 is a memoir by both mother and son about the son’s (and family’s) journey through depression. The dedication of the book reads “My dedication is for all those who are living with depression. For all those who are thinking about or who have thought that suicide might be the best option. I am proof that there is a life to be lived after depression and a life to be lived with depression – though it might not always feel like it. Don’t give up. – Josh”

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The 6 Health Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteers make an immeasurable difference in the lives of others. Oftentimes, they perform with the core intention of helping others. But did you know that volunteering can benefit your own health as well? Researchers have attempted to measure the benefits that volunteers receive including positive feeling referred to as helper’s high, increased trust in others and increased social interaction.

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Don’t Worry Be Happy: The Age of Anxiety

If you read the first line of this title and felt like throwing a tomato at me, chances are you may be struggling along with 40 million Americans with some form of anxiety. Anxiety is a complex issue, parading itself in many lives along a continuum from simple to severe. “In normal amounts, anxiety is healthy, adaptive, crucial for survival and often leads to greater productivity and enhanced performance. When daily anxiety is excessively high, however it can interfere with functioning.” Elke-Auercher-White, PhD.

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