October 7, 2022 Dear Peachtree Road Family, I hope you are well. It’s hard to believe, but we have begun the last quarter of the year. Where has 2022 gone? This year our church has been focused upon the words of Jesus from his Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are the peacemakers…” Our church’s ministry initiatives have been designed with the goal of bringing the peace of Christ to those around us. For example, we began the year with a focus upon developing mental health in the midst of anxious times, continued in the spring with a Lenten series of messages on following Jesus through the peaks and valleys of life, and came out of the summer with a fall series entitled “Bring Back the Table.” We reminded ourselves that when we gather at the table with others, our eyes are opened to the presence of Christ and our faith is deepened. It is that table we need to bring back. I hope you have found this year’s emphasis helpful as you develop a spiritual reservoir from which you can draw in troubled times. On Sunday we will begin a new series of messages entitled “Greater Than.” Over the course of the next four weeks, we will consider the ways in which our relationship with Jesus makes our lives greater: |
October 9 | Acts 2:14-21 | We > Me October 16 | Matthew 7:24-27 | Investment > Quick Fix October 23 | Malachi 3:10 | Abundance > Comfort October 30 | John 14:1-11 | Possibility > Status Quo |
We begin this week with the message that “We Is Greater Than Me.” This will not just be another way of saying we are better together. Rather, it is an acknowledgement that we desperately need the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and we will reflect upon Simon Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost for inspiration. I hope you will join us in person at either 8:45 am, 10:00 am, or 11:15 am or online through the church website. We also will receive a special offering for Wellroot. Formerly known as the United Methodist Children’s Home, Wellroot was started over 150 years ago by the Methodists of the North Georgia Conference to care for children in our communities. Sunday, we will give to help the foster parents supported by this ministry and help provide a safe place for children. I encourage you to give generously. You may make your check payable to Peachtree Road UMC and mark it for “Wellroot” or give through the church website. Thank you for your support. Upcoming Opportunities: –Are you interested in becoming a member of Peachtree Road UMC? – please join us this Sunday, October 9, at 12:30 pm in the Hospitality Suite for “Tea with the Clergy.” At this luncheon meeting, you will have the opportunity to meet with several members of our clergy staff, hear about the ministry of this great church, ask questions, and even have an opportunity to join at the end of the session. Please contact Elizabeth Byrd (elizabethb@prumc.org) for more information or to sign up. –Commitment Sunday at Peachtree Road UMC – on Sunday, October 23, you will have an opportunity to renew your covenant with Christ for the next year by bringing your pledge card to the altar of the church. This is a holy occasion as we kneel at that altar and commit our financial resources to support the ministry of the church for the coming year. After the service, we will gather in Grace Hall for a delicious barbeque luncheon compliments of the church. The pulled pork will be prepared by men from the church’s very vital Men’s Ministry. Make your plans now to join us October 23. Finally, our former associate minister Carolyn Stephens has asked me to forward a note of gratitude to you for your gift to her as she departed to be the senior minister at St. Mark UMC here in Atlanta. You will find it here. I am grateful for all you do. If we may be of help to you in any way, please do not hesitate to call on us. Grace and peace, Bill |